I Can Do This - Inspired by William Holis

Credit: Under Armour Dwayne Johnson


I have seen millions of motivational speakers, they speak to the rich, they talk to the successful, but I say:
Who Speaks To The Broken?
Who speaks to the individuals that are still in the process?
Who speaks to the individuals that do not want to live anymore?

Every motivational speech you have ever heard, I was talking to myself, and I was telling my story.

  • I couldn't read till I was 16
  • I buried my mother to a heroin overdose.
  • My father was a hitman.
  • I used to sneak into crack houses to sleep next to my mom to make sure she was safe at night.

But through all the chaos, and all the pain, GOD built a warrior. So when y'all see King Hollis and every time I drop a speech, I'm dropping it for you.
That person that wants to give up on this life, I'm dropping it for you
That person that doesn't know that they have greatness inside of them, I'm dropping this for you.

The difference between A GOOD PLAYER and A GREAT PLAYER; THE GOOD PLAYER does just the minimum to get by, and THE GREAT PLAYER pushes his body passe the limit, he leaves every single drop of blood on the field, and whatever he does in life, he wants to be remembered as the greatest.

  • He does the extra 10 when the coach only asks for 20. 
  • He runs that extra mile when the coach only asks for 5. 
  • He knows, he's going to have to dig deep inside his soul to bring out the KING, to bring out the LEGEND, to bring out the POWER that lays in every single one of us. 

But we won't go deep enough to give and we ain't gonna be GOOD, we gonna be GREAT.
Being broke is a mindset. That's something you put inside your head, that's something that you tell yourself every single day. I literally started from the side of a Turkey Hill Gas Station, and all I did was ask someone; Could you allow me to go into your studio, Could you give me a chance to walk into this place every single day and create my motivation. The time didn't take long, it was only two to three minutes, and I'll finish the speech, and I'll give it out because many of you guys don't know I do not write speeches.

Everything I do is from the heart. So what I did was I truly believed I had something special to give this world and I want you to know, YOU HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL TO GIVE TO THIS WORLD.

Don't ever believe that the lack of funds is the reason why you're not successful.


The lack of belief is why you're not successful. Every single human being on this earth is A WALKING MILLION DOLLAR CHECK, and our belief in ourself, our grind, our true grit to wake up every single day and tell ourselves and the world that I WILL BE SOMEONE SPECIAL is what separates you from everyone else.

I learned that, when I stop being envious of people, stop judging people and stop being angry that I'm not on their level, is when I truly started to elevate in my career.

I told myself I would never take a dollar bill from another person, I will never sell my dream and my gift to anyone for any dollar amount.


Every morning you wake up, and you look in the mirror, look in that mirror and tell yourself, I AM SPECIAL, I AM GREAT and I AM PHENOMENAL. Nobody will stop me from reaching my goal.

My goal, my individual goal is to become one of the best speakers of all time, but I know I have so much work to do.

  • While they sleep, I must work.
  • While they party I must grind
  • While they procrastinate, I must go after my future with a relentless effort. 

And I want you guys to grow to be successful with me. I don't want to just be successful by myself, I want my message to improve other people and make other people successful. That's what life is truly about, it's about picking great individuals and taking them with you.

We've got to make this decision in our lives today KINGS AND QUEENS, that we will not be ordinary. WE WILL BE GREAT, WE WILL BE KINGS.

This life is about serving and giving and being sincere. We live in a world where people believe everybody is out to get you, but I'm telling you now, some people are just out there to love you. So for the rest of my career and the rest of my life, I want you to look at William Hollis as
your brother, your family because we are. It doesn't matter what colour you are, it doesn't matter where you came from, the only thing that matters is who loves you now.

Growing up in the projects of Pontiac Michigan, I realised two things;
  • I realised that I won't make it if I believe that this is my reality for the rest of my life.
  • I had to realise all the knowledge, and my gifts were already placed inside of me at birth.

All I have to do is fine-tune. All I have to do is keep working on this craft every single day, and I can be successful. When I sat on the side of that Turkey Hill Gas Station, I realised no one would believe in me, no one will say, William Hollis one day your speeches will be played all around the world. And I realised that pain was necessary, I realised that without my belief I can not go to the next level and I want you guys to know every piece of motivation I give you, I'm talking to myself. The world just happened to hear it.

Let's become legendary. Let's not focus on those who do not see anything in us. Let's focus on those who do. You are filthy rich, you were born rich. We're going to forget about the generational lag, we're going to forget about the people who left us, and we're going to focus on the people who love us. We're going to focus on the people who believe in us, because you have greatness inside of you, you have an everlasting potential, and as long as you have a heartbeat, as long as you have air in your lungs, you have an opportunity to change this world, change your life and live your dream today.

You are not broke, you are filthy rich, you were born rich. We will be Royals Forever.
